Five New Ways to Find Lasting Happiness by Priscilla Dooshima|Citizen Bloggers

Happiness is very essential; it protects your heart,strengthens your immune system, combat stress and lengthens your life, Priscilla Dooshima writes in five new ways to find lasting happiness for Citizen Bloggers.

Do you think having everything you ever desired will make you the happiest person alive? Well, these questions are best understood and can be answered by every individual.

My opinion might differ from yours. But never the less, I would love to share more light on what happiness really is, hoping you will be able to pick one or two things to utilise.
Happiness is something which is difficult to describe in words. It can only be felt.

Happiness is essential for leading a good life but unfortunately it is missing from the lives of most people these days. Different people have different ideas of happiness. Some believe that it can be found in money, others feel happy and content when they are in a good relationship yet others feel proud when they are doing well professionally. While all the above mentioned things are essential for a good living, they cannot bring happiness.

Happiness is something that only you can bring for yourself. If you choose to be happy and channel your thoughts accordingly, then you shall attain happiness. However, it is not as simple as it seems. You need to make efforts to work on it. Happiness is very essential for us because it protects our heart, it strengthens our immune system, it combat stress, it lengthens our lives etc.

Here are some of the ways to attract Happiness and make it last, according to some recent studies:

1. Be Contented
Instead of getting super excited or depressed in different situations you must practice calmness and contentment.

2.Live in the present
You must stop thinking about your past mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes; no body is perfect. Stop blaming yourself or feeling guilty for all the bad decisions you have taken in life. Also stop worrying about your future. Live in the present moment.

3. Be thankful
Remember all your past moments and decision that brought happiness and rejoice them. Be thankful to God for bestowing such joyous moments.

4. Develop Positive Thoughts
Your thoughts builds your reality.
Positive thoughts and positive mind attract positive things in life and negative thoughts brings similar experiences. So the only way to experience happiness is to feel good about all that you have.

5. Surround yourself with positive people.
Stay clear from people who indulge in negative talks or demotivate you, Surround yourself with positive minds instead. Staying away from negative people is the best thing to do if you really want to be happy and go far in life.
Above all, I would advice you Surrender all your worries to God your maker, he knows exactly how to mend all your troubles.

Bonus Point

It is easy to get carried away with negative thoughts and get into a state of anxiety and stress due to several things one must have faced in life. However, you must always remind yourself of the good times and all the things you should be thankful about. This is a good way to shift your mood from negative to positive.
Have a Happy Weekend.

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